
Typesetting India has a non-profit “Free Online Training” division, that provides documents in PDF format for self-study.

Thanks: To all of my friends, seniors, and companies with whom I have had the pleasure to work, particularly Deepak Gupta, Baljeet Singh, Sudhanshu who helped me in writing this book. A very special thanks to Preeti Verma, who inspired me for teaching and writing study materials, and who provides me with continuous support and directions.

Dear Reader: We never take birth with knowledge. There are lots of people who provide. But as time passes, we become very mean and start hiding our knowledge, tools, and other beneficial thoughts from colleagues and friends. We strongly believe this is a very wrong, selfishness, monopoly way of working which must be avoided.

So, we love those professionals, students, and trainers who feel pleasure by sharing their knowledge. 

All handbooks here have been written and designed so that all "Hinglish" speaking people can easily understand them. We hope you will love to share and grow with the team together all in the future!



Typing (Download Typing Fillable PDF)

Keyboard Layout

Home Keys (asdf ;lkj)

Correct Finger Position

Practice for each row

Full Keyboard Exercise

Speed Practices


WEEK 1 (Download Indesign Training_Week 1 PDF)

Day 1: Typesetting Introduction
Intro about Typesetting Industry
Typesetting Process
Type of Books
Typesetting Process
Standard Style Naming Convention

Day 2: Grid and Typography
Technical Terms
Technical Terms

Day 3:   Working with PDFs
Type of PDFs: Embedded.Non Embedded, Scan or Editable
Extracting Text and Image from PDFs
Extracting Specification: Color, Font, Font Size

Day 4:   Math Type- Equation Editor
Create Equations

Day 5: InDesign Basics
How to Create New Document
The InDesign Main Window (Workspace)
Control Pallete

WEEK 2 (Download Indesign Training_Week 2 PDF)

Day 6: Placing Files, Style, Master
Placing Word/Text Files in Indesign
Insert Pages, Apply Master
Making Master Item a Page Item (Overriding)
Manual/Auto Flowing Text
Apply Paragraph and Character Style
Different between regular space and Tab
Insert Images: In-line and Non-In-line

Day 7:   Page
Creating Master Pages
Automatic Page Number, Sections
Moving Pages/Master to Current/Other Document
Master Option: Name a Master, Based on Master Option etc.

Day 8: Colors, Swatches, Tint and Gradiant
Swatched vs Color
Spot Color
Mixing of Swatches/Colors/Spot Colors

Day 9: Styles
Character and Paragraph Sytles
Nested Style
Editing Style

Day 10: Formatting Paragraphs
Alignment and Indents
Story Editor
Multiple Column Text Frames

WEEK 3 (Download Indesign Training_Week 3 PDF)

Day 11: Find/Change
Find/Change Overview
GREP Find/Change

Day 12: Layers and Anchor Objects
Working with Layers
Anchor Objects
Text Wrap
Step and Repeat
Grouping and Ungrouping
Object Styles

Day 13: Fonts and Links
Links, Re-link, Update Link, Edit Original
Find Font (Font Usages)
Tracking vs Kerning
Hyphenation and Justification

Day 14: Tables
What is a Table
Create a Table in Indesign
Cell Style
Table Style
Converting Text to Table
Importing Table from Word and Excel Files

Day 15: Tables
Table Options
Cell Options

WEEK 4 (Download InDesign Training_Week 4 PDF)

Day 16: Pre-flighting and Package

Day 17: Footnotes
Insert Footnotes
Document Footnote Options

Day 18: Table of Contents
Table of Content Style
Table of Contents
Update Table of Contents

Day 19: Book
Book Files
Synchronise Book File
Creating PDF by Book Creating Package, Pref lighting by Book

Day 20: Indexing

WEEK 5 (Download InDesign Training_Week 5 PDF)

Day 21: Library, Info Palette, Effects
Info Palette

Day 22:   Baseline Grid
The Baseline Grid

Day 23:   Slug and Bleed, Printing Options
What is Slug Area and Bleed
How to Print Slug and Bleed
Creating Different types of PDFs by InDesign

Day 24: Preferences
InDesign Preferences

Day 25: Use of .Inx files, Scripting
Exporting InDesign document as .inx file
Benefit of .inx files


Online Tools

File Renamer

You can Rename all files in single hit by using File Renamer Basic 


Font Converter

You can convert font format for free.  


What is the Font

Find What is the Font from image. 


Outlook Express

If following error message comes:

Send test e-mail message: None of the authentication methods supported by this client are supported by your server.

  1.  Open Start menu > Control Panel - All Control Panel Items > Mail (32-bit) > E-mail Accounts on your conputer.

  2.  Select your email account from the list and click Change. Email settings should be displayed.

  3.  Click More Settings... button.

  4.  Select Outgoing Server tab > enable My outgoing server(SMTP) requires authentication and Use same settings as my incoming mail server settings.

  5.  Set Outgoing (SMTP) to use port 587 and set "Use the following type of encrypted connection = Auto.

  6.  Click OK to update the settings.

  7.  Click Next and then, click Finish.


How To Stop Auto Resizing Of Windows In Windows 10

Step 1: Navigate to Settings app > System > Multitasking. Step 2: Here, turn off the Snap windows option to stop Windows 10 from automatically resizing windows.


Fix Winodws 10 License Popup Issue


Adding or Removing Multiple fonts



Multilingual Rules

Standard Typesetting Rules for Languages:

Quotations Mark: Quotation Marks Rules for All Languages


Arabic, Farsi 

Due to Right to Left formatting, these are called the most complex typesetting languages.
Use Adobe InDesign Middle East Version for these languages.

Which have the facility to typeset reverse (right to left.)

But if you typeset the document in Standard InDesign, you must have InDesign CS 6 or an updated version 
which has "Adobe World-Ready Line/Paragraph Composer"

Check List:
* Fonts: 
  Arabic: Adobe Arebic
  Farsi: Arial

* All English Characters' punctuation, and digits symbol need to correct manually i.e. .:,) (5/ etc.
* Fix paragraph alignment to flush right.
* Paragraph will start from "end of the first line of paragraph"
    continue to "next line from the right" and then end to "left of the last line". 
   for Example:




Chinese, Japanese,
These Languages run from Left to Right.

Check List:
* Fonts: 
  Chinese: SimSum (for regular), Simhei (for bold face.). 
  Japanese: Ryo Gothic Family. 

* Use "Optical" Kerning.  (if you forget to fix kerning to optical and fix matrix by mistake then there will be extra space after each punctuation.)


We will keep improving it on regular basis.