Day 1: Typesetting Introduction Intro about Typesetting Industry Typesetting Process Type of Books Typesetting Process Standard Style Naming Convention
Day 2: Grid and Typography Grid Technical Terms Typography Technical Terms
Day 3: Working with PDFs Type of PDFs: Embedded.Non Embedded, Scan or Editable Extracting Text and Image from PDFs Extracting Specification: Color, Font, Font Size Measuring OCR
Day 4: Math Type- Equation Editor Create Equations
Day 5: InDesign Basics How to Create New Document The InDesign Main Window (Workspace) Tools Control Pallete
Day 6: Placing Files, Style, Master Placing Word/Text Files in Indesign Insert Pages, Apply Master Making Master Item a Page Item (Overriding) Manual/Auto Flowing Text Apply Paragraph and Character Style Different between regular space and Tab Insert Images: In-line and Non-In-line
Day 7: Page Creating Master Pages Automatic Page Number, Sections Moving Pages/Master to Current/Other Document Master Option: Name a Master, Based on Master Option etc. Shuffling
Day 8: Colors, Swatches, Tint and Gradiant Swatched vs Color Tint Gradiant CMYK, RGB Spot Color Mixing of Swatches/Colors/Spot Colors
Day 9: Styles Character and Paragraph Sytles Nested Style Editing Style
Day 10: Formatting Paragraphs Tabs Alignment and Indents Story Editor Multiple Column Text Frames