
WEEK 1 (Download Indesign Training_Week 1 PDF)

Day 1: Typesetting Introduction
Intro about Typesetting Industry
Typesetting Process
Type of Books
Typesetting Process
Standard Style Naming Convention

Day 2: Grid and Typography
Technical Terms
Technical Terms

Day 3:   Working with PDFs
Type of PDFs: Embedded.Non Embedded, Scan or Editable
Extracting Text and Image from PDFs
Extracting Specification: Color, Font, Font Size

Day 4:   Math Type- Equation Editor
Create Equations

Day 5: InDesign Basics
How to Create New Document
The InDesign Main Window (Workspace)
Control Pallete

WEEK 2 (Download Indesign Training_Week 2 PDF)

Day 6: Placing Files, Style, Master
Placing Word/Text Files in Indesign
Insert Pages, Apply Master
Making Master Item a Page Item (Overriding)
Manual/Auto Flowing Text
Apply Paragraph and Character Style
Different between regular space and Tab
Insert Images: In-line and Non-In-line

Day 7:   Page
Creating Master Pages
Automatic Page Number, Sections
Moving Pages/Master to Current/Other Document
Master Option: Name a Master, Based on Master Option etc.

Day 8: Colors, Swatches, Tint and Gradiant
Swatched vs Color
Spot Color
Mixing of Swatches/Colors/Spot Colors

Day 9: Styles
Character and Paragraph Sytles
Nested Style
Editing Style

Day 10: Formatting Paragraphs
Alignment and Indents
Story Editor
Multiple Column Text Frames

WEEK 3 (Download Indesign Training_Week 3 PDF)

Day 11: Find/Change
Find/Change Overview
GREP Find/Change

Day 12: Layers and Anchor Objects
Working with Layers
Anchor Objects
Text Wrap
Step and Repeat
Grouping and Ungrouping
Object Styles

Day 13: Fonts and Links
Links, Re-link, Update Link, Edit Original
Find Font (Font Usages)
Tracking vs Kerning
Hyphenation and Justification

Day 14: Tables
What is a Table
Create a Table in Indesign
Cell Style
Table Style
Converting Text to Table
Importing Table from Word and Excel Files

Day 15: Tables
Table Options
Cell Options

WEEK 4 (Download InDesign Training_Week 4 PDF)

Day 16: Pre-flighting and Package

Day 17: Footnotes
Insert Footnotes
Document Footnote Options

Day 18: Table of Contents
Table of Content Style
Table of Contents
Update Table of Contents

Day 19: Book
Book Files
Synchronise Book File
Creating PDF by Book Creating Package, Pref lighting by Book

Day 20: Indexing

WEEK 5 (Download InDesign Training_Week 5 PDF)

Day 21: Library, Info Palette, Effects
Info Palette

Day 22:   Baseline Grid
The Baseline Grid

Day 23:   Slug and Bleed, Printing Options
What is Slug Area and Bleed
How to Print Slug and Bleed
Creating Different types of PDFs by InDesign

Day 24: Preferences
InDesign Preferences

Day 25: Use of .Inx files, Scripting
Exporting InDesign document as .inx file
Benefit of .inx files
